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Ketone XL 1oz Shots

109 Reviews

Clean. Fast. Energy.

No sugars, carbs, caffeine, salts, or fats.
Fuel your workouts with pure Ketones for better training & fast recovery. Recycled paper bottle.

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What is it?

1oz shots of 10g of natural, pure Ketones to fuel better workouts & faster recovery. No sugars, carbs, caffeine, salts or fats.

How does it work?

Ketone XL provides sustained energy without sugar or caffeine. They contain R-1,3-butanediol, a ketone that elevates blood ketone levels, offering stable energy and athletic performance. Elevating blood ketone levels puts your body into ketosis without the need for strict dieting or fasting.

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body unlocks enhanced energy levels, burns stored fats, and boosts athletic performance.

When & How to take?

Drink 1 Ketone XL in the morning to kick start your metabolism or before/during your workout.

Elite Performance.
For Athletes, By Athletes.

Landon Hamilton, Founder of FitPlan

"Ketone XL gives me the energy I need to rip through my workouts, while also giving me stamina to stay on top of my goals. Fueling my progress."

Natural Superfuel for Athletes.

Fuel your workouts with 10g of pure Ketones for better training and fast recovery. No sugars, carbs, salts, fats, caffeine or stimulants. Recycled paper bottle.

Frictionless Energy

Ketone XL is a fast-acting and low-taxing energy source. It works quickly and doesn't put a heavy load on your system.

Ketone XL is a stimulant-free energy to power your body with a fast-acting and low-taxing energy source. It works quickly and doesn't put a heavy load on your system. 

For an analogy, it is like how your phone automatically switches to WiFi when wifi is available because it's faster and uses less battery compared to cellular data. When you drink Ketone XL, your body does the same thing - it automatically switches to using Ketones for energy for similar reasons - it is a superior better fuel and drains your battery less.

Ketones are more efficient because they can be converted to energy directly, without having to go through the same intermediate steps as carbohydrates.

How is this possible?

Made with natural exogenous Ketones, the body’s most efficient fuel source. Accessible before only from a Keto diet or fasting.

Common in the caveman days, Ketones are the body's natural clean energy alternative to carbs (sugars), fats, proteins, or alcohol. Good news is Ketones provide incredible, frictionless energy for athletics - the most efficient energy source that the body produces.  The bad news is that Ketones are elusive and stubborn within the body.  Our Ketone XL drinks are popular because we found a way to bottle a natural concentrate to naturally nudge your own Ketone production.

Let's Be Honest

Tastes like Hell, Feels like Heaven. We aren't winning taste awards. We're going for performance awards.

Ketone XL is a clear liquid with a distinctive tangy taste that balances the bitterness; a bitter taste that grows on you. Proudly contains no artificial sweeteners or sugars.

Behind the taste is Ketone diol - the most effective way to increase blood ketones, especially for activities requiring physical stamina. Diol converts nearly 100% into blood ketones; it converts fast and at levels to handle the demands of hard training. This compound is highly efficient in converting into blood ketones and is considered superior to diluted forms like ketone salts and ketone esters.

This is our 2nd generation formula; our 1st generation had Ketone Ester and BHB hybrid mix.

For Athletes, By Athletes.

Our CEO developed this to support his own endurance training (400 hr/yr). Triathlete since 2005 and former 2-Sport Division 1 Athlete.

Chris does 400-500 hours of endurance cardio per year and has been competing in triathlons since Wildflower in 2005. He has done some of the hardest climbing stages in the Tour de France and was a 2-Sport Division 1 recruit, playing both tennis and water polo. Come train with him in Southern California.

Clean. Fast. Energy.

Instead of sugar gels, carbs, and caffeine – choose Ketone XL for your workout. Tap into your body's most efficient energy source: ketones. No extreme diets needed; we've bottled this powerhouse fuel for easy access. Ketone XL offers the natural energy boost you need for peak performance.

Strengthen Your Stamina

Scientifically proven to support endurance and recovery.
Trusted by athletes in NFL, MLB, NHL, along with pro cyclists, triathletes, and endurance athletes worldwide.

✔ 10x your average Ketone level

✔ 48% higher post-workout reserves

✔ 70% more efficient metabolism


Athletes Love Ketones

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Based on 109 reviews

Alex T.

Verified Buyer

WAS skeptical

Let me start by saying I was pretty skeptical about the whole "ketones as a supplement" thing. I'm not on a keto diet, nor do I plan to be, but I was looking for something to help me get through my long days juggling work, school, and a bit of a workout routine. Enter Ketone XL.

I stumbled upon this product through a friend's recommendation whose taken TrueBrain’s other products, and after reading a mix of reviews, I decided to give it a shot. I wasn't expecting miracles, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Taste: First off, the taste is... interesting. Not going to sugarcoat it, it's not the best tasting supplement I've tried, but it's far from the worst. After a few tries, I got used to it. A quick shot followed by a glass of water, and I'm good to go.

I’m actually training for the 70.3 in Oceanside and this is now taking the number one spot in my bag over bars and gels not gonna give those up completely but going to experiment with this overall.

 I've noticed a slight improvement in my endurance. I'm not setting any personal records, but I do feel like I can go a bit longer and harder in my routines. Recovery seems a bit faster too, with less soreness the next day.

All told, Ketone XL has earned its place in my daily routine. The energy boost is real, and it helps me tackle my busy schedule more effectively. The taste is something I can deal with, considering the benefits. If you're on the fence, I'd say give it a try. It might just surprise you like it did me.

Gave 4 stars b/c it Loses a point for taste, but gains everything else for performance.

Derek L.

Verified Buyer

Trainer approved :)

started using ketone-xl shots cause my trainer at equinox wouldn't shut up about it (even though i only see him 2 times per wk) and i'm like, okay fine, let's see what all the fuss is about. Ii is kinda like if medicine and a health shake had a weird baby, but you get used to it, sorta becomes part of the routine, mix it in with something else and it's all good. now, the energy part, that's where it hits you, not like a truck or anything, but in a good way, it's like you wake up and actually feel awake. no more of that dragging myself to the coffee pot, just kinda ready to roll. and the gym, oh man, the gym, i was like doing my thing, but now i'm REALLY doing my thing, lifting more, mixing in more cardio in between weights, and not feeling dead the next day, which is pretty great and rare for me now. i gotta say i was skeptical, thought it was all hype, but there's something to it, keeps me going with my crazy schedule and all. it's not perfect, the taste could be better, but hey, what works, works, right? 

Greg T

Verified Buyer

Like a Cold plunge in a bottle

Just gave this keto shot a whirl and, seriously, it's like my whole vibe's been flipped on its head—in a rad way. Sipping it's a bit like cold plunges which i LOVE. making yourself to jump into cold water, shocking but somehow refreshing after? Taste isn’t great, just like the water in the cold plunge is cold, so there is “no pain no gain” aspect.  And then, boom, you're zooming through tasks and workouts like you got 9 hours sleep (don’t actually know what that is like?!). Honestly, didn't think a drink could jazz me up like this without making me crash harder than a bad diet day later on.

Justin S.

Verified Buyer

caffeine-sensitive thumbs up

I pretty sensitive to things like caffeine for example so I started with a half a shot and graduated to the full shot eventually. For me, I noticed I slept better at night on the days I take it first thing in the morning. Very focused non-jittery energy and productive. I have friends now onto Ketones XL they are experiencing good results as well. Wisht hey had just more of a flavor to it like a chocolate or something super noticeable to over take the tart blast.

Quentin F.

Verified Buyer

Lance Armstrong's podcast

So, I heard about Ketones on Lance Armstrong's podcast. He mentioned that lots of Tour de France riders use them to keep going during long rides. I've been trying to cut back on sugar and carbs, so the idea of using a fuel source that's not all about sugars got me interested.

When I tried it for the first time, I felt a real difference. My strength stayed steady during my ride, and I could go further and a bit faster than usual.  I'm excited to add this product to my workout routine!

Lucas C.

Verified Buyer

Good for pre diabetic

I am pre diabetic and have a really hard time losing weight even though I eat extremely low carb and really clean. Basically Palio/ keto. I do trail funs as my main workout. This has driven major results in my overall body comp (not just weight but BMI, strength). Taste is a little funky but so worth the results!

Nate V

Verified Buyer

After trying other ketone products

After trying other ketone products I stumbled across this product. It is the first ketone drink product I have tried. I really love how it’s in a paper shot bottle kudos to the company for that. I try to use this little plastic as possible. On the days I used it I could tell a difference in activity stamina, longer runs with no cramping, more energy afterwards as well. I also felt less hungry, which for me was helpful when trying to intermittent fast in 16 and 8 format. I took it on an empty stomach not sure if that matters or how much. The taste is medicinal. Mixed in plain water it tasted like diluted cough syrup. I know this doesn't sound appealing, but for me it was well worth it haha

Owen P.

Verified Buyer

I have never liked intense

I have never liked intense exercise without carbs. My legs felt dead and I couldn’t push myself to my limit. This is legit rocket fuel and quite the solution if you want to fuel with carbs and turbo boost flight speed with this right before going on a workout. I aslo add some during workouts. It is rocket fuel! Yesterday’s workout consisted of 12 intervals  hill repeats on Mount Tam for almost 6k feet of climbing. My wattage output and exertion was lower than expected to achieve a huge outcome and my legs felt fresh still. I love these for my hardest training days. If i could i’d do every day but don’t want to over do it and save some $$.

 Brian K.

Verified Buyer

I’m big into training w these

I’m pretty competitive when it comes to training and sports. Winning isn't everything, but giving it everything I've got sure is. Since I picked up Pickleball, using Ketones during a long 3-hour session has really changed the game for me. I can stay on the court longer, make my shots more accurate, and leave it all out there. Whether I win or lose, this product lets me push myself and feel proud that I gave it my absolute best.

 Benny T.

Verified Buyer

For long cycling

I use this stuff for super long cycling races where I need lots of energy. It tastes kinda weird, like jet fuel and nail polish, but it does the job of putting you into Ketosis. Make sure to try it before using it on race day because people react differently.

Eamonn L.

Verified Buyer

I love doing Ironman triathlons

I love doing Ironman triathlons and bike races. In my experience, it's like a legal performance enhancer / energy booster that helps you keep going way longer than just using glucose and fat. I really think it's awesome and totally recommend it!

Clara M.

Verified Buyer

I'm a big fan of Ketone XL!

I'm a big fan of Ketone XL! I've been using it every day since I got it, and I can't imagine my routine without it now. I shed some weight and kept it off – around 8 pounds. I'm 5'3" and now weigh 112. I don’t stick to a Keto Diet or do intermittent fasting. But I take this in the morning before breakfast, and it gives me a little mental and physical boost with higher ketones to kickstart the day. I also take it before working out. It's not like a sudden burst of energy or feeling all jittery – it's more like a calm and steady energy that makes me feel like I can do more with less effort. My mood has improved overall, and I just really love this product.

Harvey Z.

Verified Buyer

3 days of brain fog +

After 3 days of brain fog I bought a sample pack special of ketoneXL. Within an hour brain fog was gone and felt better than normal. I ordered more and it became my morning protocol. I don't need it every morning, just when I have a work load I want to push through. I've heard it described as rocket fuel - although that could be due to the taste and, frankly, the cost... but it's been great for me. Surprised something like this exists actually i just never even knew about it.

Paula Henson

Verified Buyer

I used these to help jump start

I used these to help jump start ketosis when starting a Keto diet. I don’t know if i’m have the normal experience, but during the first week I felt none of the typical "keto flu" and easily got into ketosis. I’m keeping the last 4 shots to assist getting back in after cheat events (parties or client dinners) or whenever i need a hack to over-ride my less healthy habits.  I was skeptical (especially with the cost) but in the end, I feel like it was money well spent as it did exactly what I had hoped.The taste is rough

Gui F.

Verified Buyer

Saw at Mallorca 312

I first saw this at the Mallorca 312 where a pro team was using these shots right from their cycling jerseys. Seemed very new and still is. As a serious athlete I have a very strict diet and protocol for my training. I only changed this and noticed huge benefits in long range energy, plus clarity and focus levels. 

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Frequently asked questions

How do I know if Ketone XL is right for me?

Deciding if Ketone XL is right for you depends on your health goals and lifestyle. If you're seeking to enhance your energy levels, improve workout performance, and support recovery without overly relying on sugars, carbs, or caffeine, Ketone XL could be a beneficial addition to your routine.

It's especially suited for those looking to maintain a state of ketosis for the physical benefits without strictly adhering to a keto diet or fasting. However, it's important to consider your overall health and dietary needs.

Our drinkable ketones are designed to offer a convenient, efficient energy source, making it easier to achieve and sustain ketosis, thus supporting a wide range of fitness and wellness objectives.

What are Ketones?

Ketones are energy molecules your body produces when it burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates, a process known as ketosis. This metabolic state is often achieved through a ketogenic diet or fasting, but it can be challenging to maintain. Ketones serve as a highly efficient alternative fuel source for your body, supporting increased energy levels, stamina, and improved physical performance. They are particularly beneficial during times when glucose (your body's usual energy source) is scarce. By supplementing with drinkable ketones like Ketone XL, you can access the benefits of ketosis, without the strict dietary restrictions typically associated with achieving this state naturally.

What kinds of benefits can I expect?

With Ketone XL, you can expect a range of benefits and outcomes.

✔ Enhanced Energy Levels: Experience a sustained energy boost without the highs and lows associated with sugar, caffeine, or stimulants.
✔ Improved Athletic Performance: Ketones provide a direct energy source to muscles, potentially improving endurance and strength.
✔ Faster Recovery: By providing an efficient fuel source, Ketone XL can help reduce recovery times between workouts.
✔ Support for Ketosis: Achieve and maintain ketosis more easily, enjoying the benefits of a ketogenic metabolic state without strict dieting.

It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the benefits can depend on factors like your diet, lifestyle, and how your body metabolizes ketones.

When should I expect to see benefits?

The benefits of Ketone XL can depend on individual metabolism, diet, and lifestyle, but most users experience a boost in energy within minutes to an hour, due to the rapid absorption of ketones in its convenient drink shot format.

For athletic performance and recovery, noticeable improvements typically occur after a few days to weeks of regular use, as your body becomes more efficient at utilizing ketones. To achieve lasting physical enhancements, consistent use, combined with a balanced diet and exercise routine, is key.

Is a Keto diet required?

No, a Keto diet is not required to experience the benefits of Ketone XL. While our drinkable ketones complement a ketogenic lifestyle, they are designed to offer the advantages of ketosis to anyone looking to enhance their energy levels, stamina, and physical performance. Ketone XL can be a valuable tool for those seeking the benefits of elevated ketone levels without adhering to the strict dietary restrictions of a Keto diet. It provides a practical way to support your body’s energy needs and recovery processes, whether you're an athlete, busy professional, or anyone in between. However, combining Ketone XL with a low-carb diet may enhance the overall benefits and support a state of ketosis more effectively.

What’s the difference between Ketone XL and Ketone Salts?

Ketone Salts release BHB into the system quickly, causing a rapid spike in ketone levels, but this is often limited by the salt ingested and may only offer a fraction of the potency. Ketone salts are comprised of a ketone molecule bound to a salt, such as sodium or magnesium, which may lead to stomach upset without significantly elevating blood ketone levels.

Ketone XL is designed for a gradual increase in ketones, achieving levels above 1.0 mmol/L within 30-60 minutes without the sharp spikes associated with salts. It utilizes pure R-1,3-butanediol for a more stable and extended elevation of ketones and aligns with the body's natural energy regulation mechanisms. Ketone XL offers a sustained ketone boost with fewer side effects, making it a more efficient choice compared to ketone salts.

How does this taste?

Short answer - 5 seconds of pain for 5 hours of gain!

Ketone XL's taste has evolved significantly over time, moving from a less favorable initial reception to a more tolerable and, for some, even pleasant flavor. Initially criticized for its harshness, enhancements in the formulation have reduced acidity and improved taste, making it more palatable. Today, opinions vary; some users liken the taste to a 'diluted shot of ginger,' finding it quite manageable, while others remain sensitive to its distinct flavor profile.

To improve the tasting experience, several strategies are recommended:
✔ Dilute it: Mixing the standard 60 mL serving with water can lessen the intensity, making it easier to consume.
✔ Chill it: Cold temperatures can make the Ketone XL more palatable, similar to cold beverages like tequila.
✔ Using a Chaser: Sparkling water is effective in cleansing the palate post-consumption.
✔ Chewing Gum: Sugar-free gum can help neutralize the aftertaste.

We encourage those curious about Ketone XL to give it a try, promising that the improved taste is far from off-putting. It’s designed to “taste like hell, feel like heaven”, so we hope you can put up with it.

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