TruBrain Investor Relations
Stock Information
TruBrain ($TB)
Share Price
+.07 (19%)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my investment helping to fund?
The capital raised through our crowdfunding campaigns will be used reach further into the personalized healthcare space. We will be able to expand our product portfolio to offer a bespoke healthcare journey to our customers that encompasses all of their cognitive needs and continue our mission to continue to utilize our neuroscience-driven process to further develop TruBrain as a leading brand in the cognitive healthcare space.
Where can I view my investment status?
You can view your investment status by following this link and logging into your Investor Dashboard.
You can also access your Dashboard by emailing the Transfer Agent.
When will I get a return on my investment?
Compliance best practice is for us to mention that with Emerging Growth Companies, the sector is working to offer investors liquidity, but timing is difficult to predict. We can offer a framework for how to think about share liquidity--
On IPOs, there are peer companies that have raised equity crowdfunding and are preparing to IPO, such as Digital Brands Group (DSTLD), while others have disclosed prospects at going public. We are very intrigued and encouraged by these developments, and can seek to emulate their path to liquidity if we raise sufficient funding and hit our targets.
Acquisition - in the regular course of business, we both field inbound interest and gauge appetite in being acquired or merging with larger entities, where we feel there is sufficient merit in the M&A fundamentals that would maximize shareholder wealth.
Dividends - once the company generates sufficient profits, we may consider issuing dividends to stakeholders.
Secondary markets - there is a lot of exciting development with secondary markets, which can offer the chance that investors’ shares will be tradeable on a secondary market, such as Equity Zen, Share Post, potentially Start Engine, among others.
We remain committed to optimizing for profitable revenue to maximize the value of the Company.
When will I receive my investor perks?
Every investor will receive a Product Perk bundle that was advertised as part of their investment. We wanted to offer this to all investors as a thank you. It’s a great way for current customers to become new investors and for new investors to be introduced to our products. Product perks are a gift and don’t affect the amount of shares.
After you have invested, there is still some administrative lag time which occurs, due to a clearance process that is controlled by FINRA and the SEC, before we receive your contact information. Once we receive your contact information, our Investor Relations team reaches out with a welcome email to distribute the lifetime discounts and Product Perks, as well as just reach out and thank you for your investment. Your product perks will then be shipped out to the address on file.
We are excited to get you the discounts and Perks as soon as we can. Should you have any issues, please feel free to reach out.
How can I stay updated on the company’s progress and milestones?
The best way to stay up-to-date on the latest news from TruBrain is to ensure you have provided us with your best email address. We send out semi-annual newsletters to all investors and ensure you all are the first to receive updates with any big news. If you would like to update your contact information with us, please email
Annual Filing
Find all of our latest SEC filings and financial reports.
Company Overview
TruBrain is a profitable brand in high-performance cognitive nutrition with over $16 million in lifetime sales. We deliver patent-pending brain food designed by neuroscientists to enhance your memory, focus, sleep, and more. Our personalized formulas will empower you to be the best version of your unique self. Our mission is to make high function nutrition accessible to mainstream consumers.

Investor Contact Information
Investor Relations